Pedro Infante: los éxitos, amores y desamores de una leyenda
Humble, talented, handsome and a good person, this is how Pedro Infante, one of the most important musical and acting legends in Mexico and Latin America, is remembered. Pedro became a reference in Mexican cinema and ranchera music. In addition, it is known that he was a selfless person and that fame never changed him. In this entry we tell you everything about this Mexican idol, from his greatest professional successes to his resounding romantic failures. Do not miss it!
A complicated childhood
Like many other artists, Pedro Infante did not have a simple childhood. He was the third of 15 siblings and his family wasn’t exactly millionaires. His father was dedicated to teaching music classes during the Mexican Revolution, while her mother took care of household affairs and occasionally did sewing work to help her husband with her expenses.
The precarious situation forced the family to constantly move cities. This made Pedro stop his primary studies on many occasions.
Stability has arrived!
Finally little Pedro found some stability. In 1928 his family moved to Guamúchil, Sinaloa. The Infante settled in this city for a long time. Pedro was able to finish the fourth year of primary education, however, the financial needs of his family forced him to abandon his studies and start working.
Pedro Infante’s first job was in a carpentry shop. He started as an assistant and gradually became skilled at the trade.
Passion overcame poverty
Aunque Pedro tenía la necesidad de trabajar en la carpintería para ayudar a su familia, tenía muy claro que su verdadera pasión era la música. Por supuesto, esta pasión fue inculcada por su padre, quien dedicó su vida a la enseñanza musical.
Pedro siempre tuvo la inquietud de cantar profesionalmente, sin embargo, no tenía una guitarra para acompañar su canto y tampoco tenía dinero para comprar una. ¡Pero eso no lo detuvo! En la carpintería donde trabajaba Pedro fabricó su primera guitarra. Así comenzó su carrera musical.
¿Papá a los 17?
La vida romántica de Pedro Infante comenzó a muy temprana edad. Siendo solo un adolescente conoció a Guadalupe López, una joven que vivía cerca de su familia. Sin mucho preámbulo los chicos se enamoraron y en 1934 nació la primogénita del cantante.
La niña fue bautizada como Guadalupe Infante López, en honor su madre, y sería la primera de muchos hijos que tendría Pedro Infante, eso sí, con diferentes mujeres. Aún no se sabe con exactitud cuáles fueron las razones de la culminación del romance con Guadalupe.