People Are Sharing the Most Embarrassing Things Their Parents Did to Them as Kids, & It's Too Funny
This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
Sometimes, parents resort to embarrassment tactics to keep kids in line. It is one of the most efficient ways to get kids to do whatever they want because the last thing any kid wants is to be embarrassed by their parents. From getting dragged home by one mom during a rock concert to another mom punching her daughter's boyfriend in the face on her 18th birthday, we've compiled the most hilariously embarrassing tweets — as told by the people that actually had these experiences.
But Mom!
As we grow into our teen years, most of us want to exert some of our independence. This is where we start developing who we are. Sometimes, that doesn't play well with our parents.
This is the most uncool thing we've ever heard. We're sure his credentials in the band certainly took a hit when he was dragged home by his mother.