40+ Things We Never Knew About Aldi

Surprising Things About Aldi

If you have spent any time in Europe, then you probably have entered at least one Aldi store. This grocery store is one of many options you have to choose from. The company has made its way across the pond to the US but is not quite as popular yet. Before it becomes the go-to grocery store, you might want to gain some surprising insights. Enjoy!

Why So Many Boxes?

When you walk down the aisles of an Aldi, you will probably get some strong Costco vibes. But the grocers responsible aren’t trying to be lazy at all. The choice to present the goods still in the box has a definite purpose. What could that be?

Why So Many Boxes?

Well, by placing the goods on the floor in boxes, they get them to the aisles faster and in higher quantities. On top of that, there is no need for extra workers to set up complicated presentations. After all, efficiency is key.

Limited Staff

One of the things a lot of Aldi shoppers appreciate is the prices on those tags but keeping them this low is not easy. A lot of factors go into their ability to be as competitive in prices as they are.

Limited Staff

The biggest expenditure most businesses have is payroll, and so Aldi keeps their staff as lean as possible. Saving money here allows them to have a smaller markup.

More Responsibilities

Having a minimalistic approach to staffing seems like a smart idea to us, but it also affects the store’s staff. With fewer people on the floor, they have way more responsibilities than the average grocery store employee.

More Responsibilities

So if you see one that looks a little on edge, you should understand why. They have a laundry list of things to get done on their shift. So, remember to be aware of this and be extra nice to them!

Easy Checkout

Many grocery stores want to keep you in the store as long as they can. This way you spend more money. So they make everything pretty and have layouts that force you to have to go through the whole store.

Easy Checkout

Aldi takes a different approach. They want to give you better prices and save your time. In order to do this, they have well-designed conveyor belts and many products that have multiple barcodes. Plus, the store is simple in its design and not fancy to look at.